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Online Game Challenge - Comparing Game

This month’s online game challenge is a fun and simple Comparing Game! Suitable for 3 years and up, this challenge requires your little one to listen and decide whether it is the same tune being played.

This game trains your ear and memory to listen out for differences in the tunes and to be more sensitive to pitch changes!

Each balloon has a specific tune, so click on each of them and listen very carefully! Some differences are obvious, while others are not so obvious, and that’s the fun part of it! If you're not sure or couldn't catch the tune, just click on the balloons again as many times as you want. Then select your answer: Same or Different, and progress on to the next level!

If you'd like to add a little more difficulty, set a goal which is to only listen to each balloon once!

For younger children aged 3 and 4, we recommend short daily endeavours to cater to their brief attention spans.

Have fun and let us know how this challenge went for you and which level your little one achieved!


Practice is a trill!


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