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Little Music Makers: Egg Shaker

Easter is coming up and it seems egg-tremely apt to bring you an egg-citing activity that’s super simple to make with your child - an egg shaker! Ok, ok, enough with the egg puns. Let’s get started!

We’ve prepared 5 DIY Egg Shaker kits to be given away and all you have to do is count the number of times the word ‘egg’ appears in this article and comment below or on our Facebook post by 29 April 2017! Remember to share this article as well for a higher chance to win it!

Read on!

You’ll need:

  • Plastic egg shell (similar to those in toy vending machines)

  • Rice/seeds/beans/bells

  • Plastic fork/spoon (optional)

Put some rice, seeds, bells or beans that you have prepared, into the egg shell. Fill it up to about 1/4 or 1/3 of the egg. Close the egg shell and there you have it, your own egg shaker!

Shake it up a little and try experimenting with different materials to produce different sounds! You'll notice that rice gives a less harsh sound as compared to beans, while chia seeds sound even more gentle than rice.

Try shaking it with different strengths and lengths too! When more strength is used, the sound is louder, and similarly moving your hands over longer distances will create a more prominent sound. One common rhythm used for percussion shaker parts is: hard - soft - soft - soft - hard - soft - soft - soft.

This egg shaker is versatile too because it can become a maracas! Just take the plastic fork or spoon and tape it to the egg shaker to form the handle of the maracas.

This is an egg-cellent aural and sensory activity to do with your child! Have fun with your egg shakers and happy Easter to you!

Remember to comment below or on our Facebook post by 29 April 2017! Share this article for double chances to win our Egg Shaker kits!


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